Useful Guide
Your really useful guide to attending a session with
Attitude Wellbeing
Please ensure you take time to read this document in full, it is to cover you as well as me. It will only take 4 minutes to read the full document. Consider reading the sections relevant to your session.
Attending Yoga at The Birches Scout Hut
Attending Yoga at St. Thomas' Church Hall
Meditation Classes
Please bring a mat to lie on, pillows to either sit on or lie in a comfortable position, I would recommend 2 one for your neck and one for knees. Also bring a blanket to cover yourself with. If you have a lavender pillow bring it or substitute it with a small hand towel to block the light out. You could also use a meditation pillow. If you suffer from cold feet and hands, then gloves and socks will make it a more cosy experience. Don’t forget to bring a drink. (not relevant for a meditation session after yoga class).
Massage/Reflexology/Foot Gait Analysis/Reiki/Lymphatic Drainage Massage
If this is your first session with me, please complete this online Client consultation form. The completed form will be emailed to Attitude Wellbeing.
Yoga, 121 and PT
If this is your first session with me, please complete this online Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire. The completed form will automatically be emailed to Attitude Wellbeing. Please then check out the relevant page agove for details on the venue, parking and what to bring.
Cold Water Therapy
Bring a towel, swimming costume and warm clothing to change into following your cold-water plunge. For the initial session prior to the plunge, I would recommend wearing comfortable clothing, such as sportswear. A hot drink will help to warm your core up after.
Red Light Therapy
These are short sessions, usually about 10 minutes. Wear comfortable clothing to the session, during the session you will strip down to your underwear as the Red light needs to be close to the skin. You will be in the room on your own during the session. But there will be a discussion pre and post therapy. It is important to stay hydrated post session and if you feel tired, make sure you rest or sleep. This is the Red light Therapy helping to repair your body, but your body may not be ready for the repair it is receiving. Our bodies repair quicker during sleep. Red light therapy is proving to be an important therapy for healing the body.
Law of Attraction session
This is a 90-minute session. Wear comfortable clothing. It involves, meditation, breathwork and lots of discussion. I would also recommend bringing a notepad and pen for the brainstorming session and word clarity part of the session.
Toilet facilities
There is access within the house for use of a toilet if needed. There is soap and water in the room and there is a cleaning spray and kitchen roll, please wipe down any surfaces you have touched to protect it for the next participant. There is a bin in the kitchen for disposal of kitchen roll.
I accept cash or online payments (via bank transfer). Details will be provided on booking. Membership packages are available, details of membership packages can be found on my Yoga page.
Yoga classes: I only request that you book your first session, that way I know you are coming and we have completed the relevant paperwork in time. After that, you can come and go as you please.
Massage etc.: Booking is essential.
As a courtesy, please give me at least 48 hours’ notice. Less than 48 hours’ notice will be subject to a cancellation fee unless I manage to fill your space.
Studio use
I offer 1-2-1’s, Holistic Massage, Sports Massage, Lymphatic Massage, Reiki, Red Light Therapy, Law of Attraction Sessions, Cold Water Therapy, Nutritional Therapy, Foot Gait Analysis and Reflexology in my Studio. Please come to the front door and I will let you in when you knock. I will not be overlapping clients, so you shouldn’t meet anyone else at the house. If the weather is good, then 1-2-1’s can be held in the garden. Cold Water Therapy is held in the studio and garden.